This double page spread is from Kerrang Magazine. The purpose of this article is to inform the reader about the recording process that My Chemical Romance go through when they record new tracks and for Kerrang to get an in depth view of their recording studio. my Chemical Romance is an American Rock Band from New Jersey which was formed in 2001. The purpose of this double page spread is to inform the reader about the recording process that My Chemical Romance go through and what they do when they are in the Recording Studio. This double page spread is there to give the reader an insight into what recording is like for this rock group and how they go about recording and the atmosphere that is created when they perform and record their tracks. This double page spread conforms to the house style of the magazine because they have done a feature on a rock group and shown what life is like to be a part of My Chemical Romance. Kerrang has has privileged access to watch this band in their recording process and they have to relay this information back to the reader so they see it like they are actually there and are actually watching the band in the recording studio.
The title of this article is 'Were being the best MCR we can be' referring to My Chemical Romance and this is one of the main things that stands out on this double page because for a start it is bold and uses two different colours (red and white) and also because it goes across both pages instead of just the one. The reader can tell that this is a double page because the title overlaps onto both pages and because the images all relate to each other. The effect that the title has on the audience is that it allows them to find out more about why the band is at its best and for them to be informed about how a group goes about recording their songs that go on sale to the public.
The conventions that are used on this double page spread are that there are a mixture between capital and lowercase letters, and that there are some quotes in the main bulk of writing about the band and how they feel about the music that they produce. The lead Vocalist, Gerard Way says "Oh, It's filthy", "That's what i love about it" referring to the music. Showing that he feels passionate about the music that they produce. The title is all in Capital letters which grabs the readers attention and there is also a sense of excitement for this article because it is a 'World Exclusive' making this issue seem special and unique to the reader. You can see that the article is a world exclusive because there is a box in the top left hand corner with a red background and white writing with stars all around it showing that something is special about this and that it is exclusive. There is also the emphasis that Kerrang has been invited to go into the recording studio with My Chemical Romance.
There are more images than text on this article because the first page has been taken over by the main image of the lead singer and by another small image of the bass guitarist. On the second page there are more smaller images going across the bottom of the page and these include a picture again of the lead singer and three members of the band talking to one another at the mixing desk. These images all have a sense of enjoyment but at the same time have a dark visual impact. This is all to do with the way that the image have been taken because the main image on the left hand side has been taken as a medium close up but from underneath the person looking up at his face so he is isolated and the one of the group talking has a sense of excitement even though the image is in black and white because you can see one of the members smiling.
The tone of this magazine is quite friendly but at the same time professional because it is talking about a well know rock band and what life is like for them in music studios and how they feel about making new songs. The language used in this article is often specialist vocabulary within the music industry, relating to view of the young audience that may take an interest in the magazine. It also contains a personal element due to the use of long quotations, from the interview with the band. There is also the use of colour that makes this article stand out because the writing is white on a black background, so it stands out more and the most important parts of the text are in Red so this automatically grabs the readers attention. Down the right hand side of the spread you can see that there is a section that has been created for 'My Chemical Romance' that is introducing some of the new songs that they are going to release and although it only gives the name of four songs it is allowing the reader to have a little piece of information about each song. This is promoting the band to the reader and it even has some of the stand out lyrics that could be the message of the song or where the band want the reader to think about what is being said.
The magazine double page that i create will be similar to this because mine is referring to a local music studio so some of the language will be the same referring to specialist vocabulary for terminology and because i will hopefully be doing another article on the studio's band. I will take quite a lot of influence from this article because i like the way that the double page spread is laid out and how images are used to tell a story but there is still some information.