The main image on this magazine cover is of Biffy Clyro who are a Scottish Rock band and this would seem an appropriate image for a rock band but also as good publicity for Biffy Clyro. The main image takes up the majority of the page and even covers the R and A of the title. Kerrang might have done this to advertise the band in the hope that people might buy it because they like the band and because the magazine is so popular with rock music fans it would appeal to them. This image relates to the Genre of this magazine because it has been designed around rock and they have got a rock band to appear on the cover.
The main image is very striking on this cover because it stands out against the rest of the pictures and writing on the page and it also grabs your attention because it takes up so much space on the page. On this cover i don't think that there is anything left out but i think that this is a very dark cover because there is lots of black and white that has been used but i think that in doing this it creates a good effect and the balance between the black and white with hints of red goes well. Also the colours contrast with the images because they make them stand out because the main image has a black background and the magazine cover is white so the picture stands out. Kerrang have only used three colours on this cover and they are Black, White and Red and with keeping to three colours it keeps the page simple but very effective. The Mise-en-scene of this cover adds to the effect of the rock magazine because the clothing is quite dark in the small images at the bottom of the page and the images have been taken with not much light, so the background is fairly dark but light enough to make the people in the pictures stand out. The clothes that these people are wearing add to the effect of a rock magazine because they are quite dark and it makes you think about the band and what they want the people to get out of listening to their music and the image that they are setting to people that admire them.

The magazine is called 'Kerrang' and this would be widely recognised by the rock culture. This magazine is well known by the people who buy it because otherwise they wouldn't have covered up the title do that some of the writing is obscured by the main image but because this is one of the main rock magazines people will know what it is even if they can see the title and if the person likes the band then they would be more inclined to buy it. This magazine is in a standard form in A4 but a sheet of A3 paper would have been folded to give the double sided effect and so that the pages fit together much more easily when the magazine is being put together. The important thing about a music magazine is that is has to appeal to its target audience and for 'Kerrang' this is rock lovers and i think that they have successfully achieved this.
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