The type of reader that this magazine is targeting is anyone who is interested in rock music. This is because although someone might not like the band on the front cover they may be inclined to by it because of an issue that is being discussed inside. This is why the magazine has included Straplines around the outside of the cover to get people interested in some of the stories inside the magazine. From the cover of the magazine you can tell that the audience for this magazine is anyone interested in rock music because it has a feature on Blink - 182 which may appeal to both young and old audiences and Iron Maiden which would again bring in audiences both young and old. The reader will interact with this magazine by looking at the front cover and seeing if they like any of the stories that will be covered in the magazine. Also they may be inclined to have a look through the magazine to see if there is anything in particular that they like. The magazine will have to attract lots of different audience through one magazine that is why the cover image has to appeal to all.
The main image on this front cover is a new band called "Japanese Voyeurs'. Although they are a new band they will still appeal to the magazines audience because they will want to know about the bands that could become big in the future and by putting this image on the front cover they are helping to publicise the band and helping to get the noticed with the rock generation. The image relates to the music genre because they are a rock band that is only just getting their name noticed and by appealing on the front cover of the rock magazine they are automatically appealing to that specific target audience. The effect of the Mise-en-scene of this cover is that it seems to be dark and wanting the reader to go deeper into the magazine to find out more. The addition of the rock group waring dark black clothing with some white clothing makes the group stand out against the dark background and the woman stands out more because she is wearing white clothing but also because of the way that she is standing in the picture. She stands with attitude and with posture as she is wearing white it contrasts so well with the background. The effect of the dark background with the bright clothing allows the image to merge really ell with the background and it also gives the image different levels as if it is coming out towards you. The views that come to mind when you see this cover in terms of cultural codes is that they are setting a 'trend' for younger people to follow in terms of the clothes they wear and they way in which they do it.

There are various straplines around this front cover and these range from Iron Maiden access all areas to Blink 182 all revealed. There is also the addition of a kicker and it is 'New Blood' which is focusing on the new bands that are featured in the magazine. This stands out the most because it is on the lest hand side and half way up the page. The font also makes it stand out as it is bold and three different colours have been used and they all work well together. The typeface of this magazine cover is quite complicated as there is not just one font that has been used. But there has been 3 maximum and it has not complicated the cover to much and it is still readable. The writing has been spaced out and there is not to much of it so this means it is easier for the reader to take in. This magazine has been for sale in WHSmiths and all good newsagents o it would be fairly easy to pick up a copy and they also allow you to look at the magazine on their website if there is not a copy to but in the shops.
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