This magazine is called 'Classic Rock' and has been put together for the rock music fans. This magazine focuses on rock music and is currently celebrating the 150 greatest debut rock albums. The target audience for this magazine is anyone who likes rock music but more importantly someone who wants to know the 150 greatest debut Rock albums. The target audience would be both young and old people because rock music is for everyone to enjoy whatever the age and lots of rock groups range in age and depending on the age of the group would depend upon the target audience they would like to attract, however, some older groups will have younger audiences as well because they are some of the best groups in the world and they will have listened to them on either the radio, internet or even bought CD's of the band. You can tell that the target audience for this magazine is people who are interested in rock music because the magazine is titled 'Classic Rock' and there are the names of some Rock bands on the front cover.
The main image on this cover is of a placard with the words 'The 150 Greatest Debut Albums'. This image takes up most of the space on the cover. There is also a small image of a skull at the bottom centre of the page and this also adds to the feel of a rock magazine. The main image doesn't really relate to rock music because it is only explaining the greatest debut albums but the skull relates to rock music because the music is often quite dark and heavy. The skull is the only thing on this main page that you would associate with rock music apart from the title and as for the main cove image it is just there for advertisement purposes to get people to buy the magazine because they feel that the 150 greatest debut albums i important, but this would entirely depend upon what type of genre of music you listen to and in this case it would be rock.

The way that this image has been framed is that is has been placed in the centre of the page to grab the readers attention, but at the same tome the title is bold enough to let the reader know that the genre is rock. The image of the skull has been placed at the bottom of the page in the centre and the straplines have been placed wither side of it on the bottom right and bottom left. I feel that the main image does not really relate to rock music but in putting the picture of the skull at the bottom it will appeal to rock music fans. There isn't a Mise-en-scene for this cover because there are no people, no props and no clothes. The colours that have been used on this cover are mainly black, white and gold with the addition of red, green and blue for the picture of the skull. The main colours work well together because non of them are overpowering the others and they are all evenly used. I think that the colors used for the skull are slightly to bright for the cover because they stand out which is not a bad thing but the colours don't really go together. The colours on the cover make the mood quite dark but with the addition of the colour on the skull it brightens the cover up.
This magazine is called 'Classic Rock' and it reflects the content that will be in the magazine because it will be to do with rock music and rock bands. The Language used reflects the target audience because it feature rock groups and rock singers including Ozzy Osbourne, Guns n' Roses, Jimi Hendrix and The Manics who are all rock groups. The writing on the front of this cover has been left to a minimum but what little writing is there it is effective. The straplines on the cover are very short but informative to the reader so that they can concentrate on the main image and for the magazine to celebrate it's 150th issue. The cover also includes a puff which is located at the top right hand corner offering the reader a free 15 track CD if they buy the magazine. The type face that has been used is quite simple because they have only used 3 different fonts and have alternated between uppercase and lowercase lettering to make certain parts stand out.
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