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Monday 18 October 2010

Rock Sound Contents Page Analysis

This Contents page is from the Rock Sound magazine. The contents page has been laid out in such a way that the writing and the images have been left to separate areas of the page. Thus the contents of the magazine being is played on the right hand side and some images on the left. The images on the left give the reader a little insight into what will appear on those pages but also they may be the main features of the certain magazine issue.Also having the images allows there not to be as much writing on the page because each picture is representing a page of the magazine and they have just added a picture to show what the readers can expect.

The layout of this cover is quite complicated because there is lots of information on the left hand side followed by some images on the right. But the way that these have both been separated has enabled there to be the right balance with nothing being overcrowded by another thing. The top image is the biggest, hinting that this would be the main feature of the magazine and although there are small images these may be some of the other points that will be featured. The images have been layered on top of each other with the corners overlapping with a right to left sensation.The images have been placed on a red background to make them stand out and also to grab the readers attention even more than the images on the front cover.

The writing along the left hand side has all been kept to the same font size  and has all been kept within four sub headings; Regulars, Features, Exposure and Review. In doing this they are enabling the reader to find what they are looking for quickly and for them to find it much more easily.Also they have made the heading stand out bu putting the writing in white and putting it on a red background. This shows that thought has been put into this contents page to make it easier for the reader and that they want to put across to the reader that they are an organised magazine and not one that has just been thrown together. Putting the writing down the left hand side has enabled there to be more space on the right hence putting the images there but the page has also been separated with colours. The writing being black on a white background and the images being on a red background.

The Mise-en-scene of this contents page is keeping within the music genre of Rock because there are images of rock groups on the right hand side and the clothes that they are wearing resemble the outfits that Rock groups/singers would wear. Also the images that have been used are White dark and the main colours that are used in them are black, grey and even white to make certain parts stand out. The features of this contents page that will help to sell it are that it is all laid out in a way that it is easy to understand and nothing has been made complicated. There is a clear separation between the images and the writing but this makes the page stand out more. As far as contents and how it is laid out, it is easy to see which part of the magazine is where and this is helped by the addition of headings to separate the magazine and also the font has been kept the same so it is not to complicated. The captions that have been used to anchor the images  are simple because it has the image followed by the name of the group underneath it and the page that you will find the article in at the bottom right hand corner of the image. The page number stands out as it is written in Red and is bold so it grabs the readers attention.

There is no humour to this contents page as it is informative to the reader but lots of issues are discussed in the magazine and this can be seen by the amount of pages and by the amount of things that are featured in the magazine. In the regulars section they have a part where they are giving a gig guide which is on page 126 and in the features section the have a big part about bands in vans which covers pages 26-40, 44-47 and 68-75, showing that this is one of the main features of the magazine. Also in the last section (Reviews) it not only talks about rock music but other genres such as Hip-Hop, Indie and Punk showing that although they are a rock magazine they also look at other genres of music. The features of this contents page make the articles in the magazine much easier to locate as there are clear instructions to what page has what on it and it is also friendly to the reader by making the contents page clear but at the same time informative.

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